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In partnership with Valitor, we offer you free access to Saga. 

With Saga you can view, filter and export:

Visit Saga

Most compatible with Chrome browser.


This page explains how to:


Log in to Saga

Please contact us at We will send you login information within one business day. 

If you have multiple accounts or locations, we recommend you set up personal references (known as DBAs). Please contact us to set these up. 


Customise your homepage  

You can change the information that appears on the homescreen to what’s most important to you.

  1. Click the gear icon in the top right of the page. 
  2. Select ‘Settings’.
  3. Then select from the ‘Start Screen’ drop down menu. We recommend one of the three options:
    • Payments - total amount deposited into your bank account per day
    • Settlements - amount deposited into your bank account per day for each merchant account. You may prefer this if you have multiple sites
    • Transactions - a list of your card transactions 


View your bank transfers (settlements)

  1. Click on the Menu icon in the top left of the page and select ‘Settlements’. 
  2. You will see your settlement history (deposits into your bank account). The ‘Net Settlement’ column displays the amount transferred into your account after rate charges have been withdrawn. 
  3. You can also ‘Filter’ by a range of conditions and ‘Export’ CSV or Excel files. 

Add or remove columns 

  1. Select ‘Columns’ above the table to add or remove columns. We recommend you add: 
    • ‘Paid’ - confirms the deposit has occurred 
    • ‘Settlement type’ - tells you whether the deposit was domestic (NNS) or international (ISS) card takings. NNS settlements occur one business day after the transaction and ISS takings occur three to five business days later.  

Match transactions to settlements 

  1. Click on a row in the Settlements table 
  2. A breakdown of the settlement will appear on the right. Scroll and select ‘View batches’.
  3. Click on the batch to view a breakdown. Scroll and select ‘View transactions’. This will show you a list of the transactions in that deposit. 
  4. You can click on each transaction to see the card transaction details, including fees and charges. 


View your transactions 

  1. Click on the Menu icon in the top left of the page and select ‘Transactions’. You will see your list of your card sale and refunds. 
  2. To see additional transaction, click on columns. We recommend added ‘Transaction Type; so you can see how the card was processed. 
  3. You can also ‘Filter’ by a range of conditions and ‘Export’ CSV or Excel files. 
  4. Click on a row in the Transactions table to see more details, including fees and charges. 
  5. In the transaction details, select the Settlement number to see when the transaction will be deposited into your bank account.


View your statements 

  1. Click on the Menu icon in the top left of the page and select ‘Electronic Documents’. 
  2. You will see your list of statements. Select the document you want to view and then select ‘Download Document’.

Please note that your Paymentsense invoices can be found in the Billing Portal


Add or remove users 

  1. Click on the Menu icon in the top left of the page and select ‘Users’. 
  2. Select 'Create New +' at the right of the page 
  3. Enter the user's email and set their permissions. You can also give the new user permission to add or remove users. 
  4. Once you select 'Confirm' the user will be sent an email to create an account. The user has 7 days to activate their account, otherwise the user will need to be re-added. 

Remember to remove users when they leave your business. You can do this by clicking on user's details and then pressing the trash can icon on the right of the screen. 


Receive automated reports 

  1. Click on the gear icon in the top right of the page and select ‘Push Notification Subscriptions’.  
  2. Select ‘Create New’ 
  3. Then select from the drop down menus how you want to receive the notification, what information you want to see and the frequency of the notification.  
  4. Select ‘Confirm’ to finish.